Frames and Iframes in HTML with examples (2024)

Frames and iframes are elements used to embed external content within an HTML document. While they share a similar goal, they differ significantly in functionality and implementation.

Frames: A Look Back (Obsolete)

What were Frames?

Defined by the <frameset> and <frame> tags, frames were used to section the browser window into multiple, independent regions. Each section could load and display a separate HTML document, creating a fixed layout with designated areas for navigation, content, advertisements, or other elements.

Why Did Frames Fall Out of Favor?

While frames offered a way to structure complex web pages, they came with inherent drawbacks that hindered user experience and search engine optimization (SEO):

  • Accessibility Issues: Frames made navigation difficult for users with screen readers or those who preferred bookmarking specific sections of a website. Since each frame acted as a separate entity, screen readers struggled to maintain context when moving between frames, and bookmarks pointed to the entire framed page, not individual sections.
  • SEO Challenges: Search engines had difficulty indexing content within frames. The main document (the one containing the <frameset>) was often prioritized, leaving the content within individual frames invisible to search engine crawlers. This resulted in lower search rankings for the website’s content.
  • Responsiveness Woes: Frames were not responsive to different screen sizes. As screen resolutions and device types diversified, websites with frame-based layouts became clunky and unusable on mobile devices or smaller screens. Content overflowed, elements became misaligned, and overall user experience suffered.

**Example of Frames (Note: This is for demonstration purposes only. Frames are not recommended for modern web development.)


<frameset cols="20%,80%">
  <frame src="navigation.html">
  <frame src="content.html">

This code creates a two-column layout with a fixed width. The left column (20% width) displays the content from “navigation.html,” while the right column (80% width) shows “content.html.”

These limitations led to the decline of frames in web development. Modern web design relies on CSS for flexible layouts that can adapt to various screen sizes and devices, ensuring a consistent and optimal user experience across platforms.

Iframes: Seamless Integration for Modern Web Design

What are Iframes?

Iframes, defined by the <iframe> tag, provide a way to embed another HTML document within the current webpage. Unlike frames, iframes function more like containers for external content, seamlessly integrating it into the overall layout. The content within an iframe operates independently of the main document and can scroll separately.

Advantages of Iframes:

  • Enhanced Flexibility: Iframes can be positioned anywhere on the page using CSS. This allows for more creative layouts and content placement compared to the rigid structure of frames.
  • Responsive Design: Iframes can adapt to different screen sizes. The iframe itself can scale or maintain a set size, ensuring the embedded content remains viewable and functional on various devices.
  • Content Reusability: Iframes allow you to reuse content across different web pages. This can be particularly useful for elements like headers, footers, or sidebars that remain consistent across your website.

Use Cases for Iframes:

  • Embedding Multimedia: Embed videos from YouTube, Vimeo, or other video platforms directly into your webpage, enhancing your content with engaging visuals.
  • Interactive Elements: Integrate interactive maps, social media widgets, or other third-party applications seamlessly into your site, providing a richer user experience.
  • Live Content Updates: Display live content updates like stock tickers, news feeds, or sports scores directly on your webpage, keeping your visitors informed.
  • Advertising: Utilize iframes to display targeted ads from third-party ad networks.

Example of Iframe:


<iframe src="" width="640" height="360"></iframe>

This code embeds a YouTube video with the ID “VIDEO_ID” within the webpage. You can adjust the width and height attributes to control the iframe’s size and ensure it fits aesthetically within your layout.

Security Considerations with Iframes:

While iframes offer advantages, it’s crucial to exercise caution when embedding content from untrusted sources. Malicious code injected into an iframe from an untrusted source could potentially harm your website or steal user data. Always implement proper security measures to mitigate these risks.

In conclusion, while frames are a relic of the past, iframes remain a valuable tool for modern web development. They provide flexibility, responsiveness, and reusability, allowing you to integrate external content seamlessly into your web pages and enhance the user experience.

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